Saturday 23 February 2008


Well thought I would finally get around to putting up some pictures from Simon's and Aleisha's wedding. It was a lovely wedding and despite raining all week the weather held off when it needed to.

Picture 038

Picture 027
Simon wanted to use his work pen.

Picture 022

Picture 018

Picture 017

Picture 007

Picture 006

Picture 005

Rufous fantail at work

A rufous fantail briefly braved the perils of marrickville to visit the minuscule garden at work.

Thursday 7 February 2008

Blue Mountains Trip

Over the Australia day long weekend I spent four days in the blue mountains with Adelle.
Managed to do a few climbs and a few walks and spent a lot of time just vegetating and eating pies.
Some pics can be found on Adelle's facebook site here.