Sunday 2 September 2007

Cycling to olympic park.

Decided to go for a cycle on the weekend and found a nice little track not far from the flat where it's possible to cycle nearly all the way to the Sydney Olympic park without going on the road. Unfortunately its nearly 50 kms all up so the legs were hurting by the end of it.
There was a good amount of birdlife, including quite a few grey butcher birds.


Unknown said...

Oi Jarrod!

That sounds nice... More info? Where is your flat? Where is the cycle path? Is that the one that goes from Botany Bay to Olympic Park?

Peter B.

Jarrod said...

Yes it's the botany to olympic park track.
Apart from a little bit just before Olympic park it is pretty much all on cycle paths next to the river.

Anonymous said...

hit a kid when I was doing about 30 clicks on the bike the other week- get in! little bastard's gotta learn! almost as funny as the bin lorry I nearly hit...


Jarrod said...

Hope the little blighter didn't dent your bike with his head or even worse knock you off as at that speed it could be rather unpleasant. Still some of little ferals in Marrickville certainly need a good running over.

Anonymous said...

I stayed on but nearly went into the rather swollen river ouse. handlebars were fine, kids' dad unconcerned (at least he didn't try to fight me!) so the only loser was the kids' swollen hand. no wanking for him. and I made my train. good ol england, showed those troublesome springboks what it is to roll over and take a kicking.

Jarrod said...

Look on the bright side with England capitulating early on at least you won't have to watch them win every game easily up until the final where they will choke miserably, which is what I have to look forward to with NZ. Hopefully the kid is ambidextrous then he won't have to miss out on his favourite pastime.