Saturday 3 November 2007

Things that were seen over the last few weekends

Well it's been a reasonably productive last few weeks for critters.
Here are a few pictures.
First up a rather friendly red bellied black snake.

Pseudechis porphyriacus
Pseudechis porphyriacus

Pogona barbata
Possibly the world's most photographed eastern bearded dragon.

Good old Chelodina longicollis

Black sholdered kite
Black-shouldered Kite

Physignathus lesueurii
Physignathus lesueurii

Good eatin

Brown Quail
Small funny looking chicken (Coturnix australis / Brown Quail) as someone mentioned to me upon seeing the photo.

Hemiergis decresiensis
Allan's snake lizard (Hemiergis decresiensis)

Wedge tailed eagle, a lot of these were seen in and around coolah.


Egernia cunninghami
Egernia cunninghami

Egernia cunninghami 2
Egernia cunninghami

Ctenotus taeniolatus
Ctenotus taeniolatus

Egernia whitii
Egernia whitii

Managed to get the nose in this photo for the first time in many an echidna photo.

Hemiergis decresiensis
Hemiergis decresiensis

This little yabbie was wondering about the fields after the heavy rain the night before.

Pseudemoia pagenstecheri
Not really sure what this is.

Chelodina longicollis

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