Monday 25 November 2013

Family visit

Back in September my sister and her family came to visit.

Claire teaching her cousin to read.

Since we had some time to kill, it was decided (not by me) that we would go for a harbour cruise to look at the navy 100 year review. It was rather crowded in sydney but we eventually made it to the wharf after a quick stop in the museum of contemporary art to see some dirt in large steel containers and what every else passes for art these days. I guess you get what you pay for and the museum is free. After that it was just an hour and a half of chaotic queing in the hot sand and we were off on the cruise just a mere hour after it was meant to leave.

Hoards of peasant teaming on the steps.

Rusty boat

One of Australia's many non-operational underwater tubes.


Way more impressed with some seaweed.

1 comment:

Simon Iremonger said...

Are you planning on escaping Oz and returning to NZ over Christmas this year? We will be back in NZ for most of December and it would be good to catch up if you were about.
