Sunday 27 September 2015

Muogamarra Nature Reserve 2015

Another year and another trip to Muogamarra. Although we always go there it is lovely to go to a park where there is no rubbish, as it is only open for six weekends a year and charges a fee which keeps the ferals at bay.

This year the whole family was old enough to enjoy it, which was nice. It did mean we were limited to doing a half an hour walk over 4 hours though. Still the plants are very impressive here so you don't need to go any faster.

Woollsia pungens
Woollsia pungens

Grevillea sericea
Grevillea sericea

Phyllota phylicoides
Something in the Fabaceae family.

Wedge-Tailed Eagle
This was cruising very close to us for a while.

Acacia oxycedrus
Acacia oxycedrus

Acacia ulicifolia
Acacia ulicifolia

Eriostemon australasius
Eriostemon australasius

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