Saturday 1 July 2006


A day trip was made to Petworth to see some of the English countryside and also Petworth House, which is an old english manor with an impressive art collection.

Petworth house
Petworth house, with Timi and Mark in the fore ground.

Servants kitchen
The servants kitchen which was in a different building to the main kitchen. I didn't take any photos inside the main house as photographs were not allowed but just imagine the most amasingly opulent building you have ever been in and you would not be to far off.

A pheasant that was enoying the rainy weather.

There were thousands of little frogs around one of the lakes, they were so numerous that is was a challenge to avoid crushing them.

Fallow Deer
Some fallow deer that were in the park next to the house.

Other highlights in Petworth included going to the local pub and getting a beer and beef pie and chatting to the local barmaid about the manor. It turned out that despite entry being only a few pounds she had never visited in her 30 years of living in the village, which seems to be a fairly common phenomenon among the English peasantry.

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