Sunday 10 March 2013


Things have been a little quiet here of late as I did something rather foolish and brought a house. Hopefully it will be paid off in a decade or so, but it is still an unsettling amount of debt to get into.

On the other hand though at least I am not trapped in a small concrete box with nothing to do on weekends. If anything I have too much to do, with a large garden which was a tribute to the noxious weeds of Australia. I made a series of compost bins with a volume of approximately 3.6 cubic meters and they are already full and I could have filled them three times over. The garden is also fulling up with tree trunks from all the ones that I have cut down, might have to mulch them up one of these days.

On the other hand though it does have a nice selection of wildlife with numerous species of lizards including at least one bluetongue, as well of plenty of birds including a wonga pigeon one day by the back gate.

Broad-tailed gecko
Broad-tailed gecko

This post was edited on the 13/03/2013 due to people whinging about the grammar and spelling.

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