Friday 26 April 2013

Settling in and Christmas

Well we have pretty much settled in now although there is still plenty of work to do in the garden.

Claire had her birthday, which was nice although due to the horrible summer we had it was a little to warm.

Mangy tree
Finally had Christmas in my own house and for such a momentous occasion only a real tree would be sufficient. People were rather scathing of the glorious specimen above but at least Claire liked it.

We have been for a few walks in the bush at the back of the house although there is still a lot more I need to do once the leeches settle down for the winter. Mind you I have been leeched at least half a dozen times just walking around my lawn so I am starting to get used to it.


Iain said...

I liked your tree!

Jarrod said...

Glad there is still a few people left in the world with good taste.